Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Grant El. Kindergarten Weekly News
From Mrs. Conran and Mrs. Caya
Week Beginning:  February 2, 2015

Important Dates
Feb 5     OPT Meeting 6:30pm
Feb 10   Family Night – Watch for details.
Feb 11               Sprit Day – Wear red and pink!
Feb 18    2nd Coffee – for parents 8:10am Room 108
Feb 20    Father Daughter Dance – Watch for Details
Feb 21    Saturday Morning Book Club
Feb 25-27 Parent-Teacher Conferences (No CLC)

Comprehension:  Readers use many strategies to decode and understand text.  Sometimes, readers sound out words, sometimes they think about what sounds right and sometimes they use the meaning of the story (context) to figure things out.  This week, we are working on using meaning to figure out stories and specific words in stories.  Since most of our stories have wonderful illustrations, we are noticing how the illustrations connect to (and help us figure out) the text.   Be sure to review the meaning of author and illustrator with your Kindergartner.
Learning Target:  I can describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g. what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Phonics:   We are working this week on learning sight words and using them well when reading and writing.  There are 60 Kindergarten words.  Your child should be able to easily read 30 or more words at this time.  By the end of February, our goal is 40 or more words.
Words to practice & review:  make, play, said, good, like, and, the, see, we, a, to, come, me, with, my, you, what, are, now, is, find, this, will, be, go, for, how

Describing words are the focus this week.  We are brainstorming ways to make our writing more interesting by adding vivid details. 

We are extending our shape knowledge onto 3-D shapes.
Learning Target 1:  I can correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size. (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, spheres)
Learning Target 2:  I can identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, “flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”).

Our new unit for science is wood. We will be looking at the properties of wood and how different kinds of wood are alike and different. Then we will investigate how wood can be processed as we sand wood and make simulated plywood.

Parenting Tips on Social and Emotional Behavior
Parents can help their children understand and express their emotions. The following strategies are some of the ways you can help your child express his feelings:
*Help your children understand their emotions by first giving the feelings names and then encouraging them to talk about how they are feeling. For example, you might say to your child, “Daddy left on a trip, you are sad. You said you want your Daddy.” By giving your child a label for her emotions, you enable your child to develop a vocabulary for talking about feelings.
*Give children lots of opportunities to identify feelings in themselves and others. For example, you might say to your child, “Riding your bike is so much fun. I see you smiling. Are you happy?” Or you might point out a situation and ask your child to reflect on what someone else may be feeling: “Joey bumped his head on the slide. How do you think Joey feels?”
*Teach your children the different ways they can respond to specific feelings, conflicts, or problems. Talk about your own feelings with your children. “Remember yesterday when the water in the bathtub would not go down the drain? Mommy got so mad and do you remember what my face looked like when I got mad? Can you make a mad face like Mommy’s?” Talk with your children about different ways you deal with specific feelings. “When I get mad I take a deep breath, count to three, and then try to think of the best way to deal with my problem.”
*Teach your child to identify and express their emotions in ways that your family and friends find acceptable. For example, you might tell your child “Sometimes Grandfather is angry when things don’t go well at work. What does he do? He sits on the porch until he figures out what he wants to say about it. You should sit and think when you get angry.”

Field Trip
If you have not yet returned your Seussical Field Trip permission slip or payment, please return by Wednesday, 2/4.